Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lists and Lists

It's only in the most stressful times, when I can't work out my own feelings

This doesn't define who I am as a person or where I will end up in life.

It is a small stepping stone on a path to knowing who I am and what I will become one day.

Life is a circus, and I've come to realize that my coping mechanism is making people life.


I was nominated for a student leadership award. The email I received said basically congratulations and that in order for me to receive this award I would have to fill out an essay portion. Yes, in order to be considered.....I have to write an essay about how great of a leader I am. How self satisfying and bumptious (a really good word, that I just learned)
I think I'm going to write it however with the angle that I that I don't really deserve it because I was born this way and I've never done anything out of the ordinary, I've just continued being me.

Life is funny, when something you want sometimes realize it really wasn't meant to be and that you aren't ready.

Lately my new saying " No idea where I'm going to be in six months" and its true, really and I like it. As long as its far away from where I am now...physically, mentally, spirtually and maybe even morally....

I'm only human.

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