Friday, February 19, 2010

A need

Lately I walk into food stores and get grossed out,
Why would I want to eat something that is unrecognizable?
Something that has been processed to the point that one can't see where it fits into the biology of the world. So, I started thinking why not make a rule of thumb? If I can't see what it is within one or two steps...don't eat it!

Now, I'm a fairly smelly person and before I was using mass amounts of aluminum deodorant and guess what, by the end of day it felt like my body actually ate it and then produced an odd biproduct. So, I started to use some natural deodorant, It was Tom's. Tom's was natural but guess the end of the day I wasn't smelling the freshest. Then I started thinking why the Hex am I spending money on deodorant that doesn't work a full 12 hours?

So I started to do some research and found that a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch works as a great deodorant. So I tried it.

It's funny I've been using a mix of baking soda and cornstarch as deodorant and I still am a little unfresh by the end of the day so now I'm wondering if the bacteria isn't lurking in my actual shirts. So again with the researching, to find a more natural laundry cleaner ( I use Ecos but still there is all the processing of making all of those ingredients into what we think of as "Laundry cleaner" and lots of energy)

So I found this silly little thing called an ecoball there is an american version but that is the first thing that popped up on google.

Apparently it spits out ions that raises the water pH with no detergent needed. I looked for reviews and found out it is pretty much a crock of high fructose corn syrup. The product can produce ions but at a VERY small rate, it is like washing your clothes with just water.

Then, thanks to my daily calendar I started looking at soap nuts the fruits from the chinese soapberry tree. The fruits contain the natural detergent saponin and all you do is put a couple of nuts in a cotton drawstring bag and it lasts for a couple of loads. Which is really a great idea, when I get settled I'd love to plant a chinese soapberry tree and when my GIANT bottle of Ecos rund out I'd consider buying a big bag. Here are the two websites Maggiespureland and Naturoli, I think Naturoli has the better deal with a bag 32 oz bag of nuts enough for 320 loads but Maggie's looks more homegrown.

Then as I was stumbling I found this online organic magazine that talked about deodorant. I can't find the link but it talked about how our sweat releases the toxins in our bodies and I started to think how important that is ESPECIALLY for men who unlike the female species don't menstruate to get rid of the toxins. You can also tell how healthy a person is by the way they smell.

The verdict, hey I like saving money and I'm going to be smelly by the end of the day either way. Maybe I'll increase the 1/6 ratio of baking soda/ cornstarch next time and if I want to impress someone I can put a drop of lavender oil under there.

Well, that was a really long blog but its been brewing for a couple of days.

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